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Computerised compressor reduces air costs

Kompressoren (Chemie)
Computerised compressor reduces air costs

Computerised compressor reduces air costs
The low-noise screw compressors produce compressed air within the 2.9 to 4.6 m3/min range (at 7.5 bar). The AS packages are fitted with the controller Sigma Control, which is integrated into the compressor and consists of a robust industrial computer that conforms to industrial standards. Sigma Control combines reliable computer technology tailored to the compressor’s requirements with modern communications and the advantages of conventional relay controllers. For the user this means further energy savings, problem-free integration into existing control centres and increased availability and operational reliability. Additional reliability is also provided by maintenance-free piping and by valveless oil circulation that needs no check valve and oil stop valve. An inproved cooling fluid separating system ensures high air quality. The durable belt drive system requires very little maintenance, allowing final pressures between 3.5 and 14 bar in 0.5 bar stages. All parts to be serviced are easily accessible through the cabinet lid or through two access doors on the front.

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Further information cpp-211
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