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Economical supply of compressed air

Kompressoren (Chemie)
Economical supply of compressed air

Economical supply of compressed air
Drive motor and compressor of the fluid-cooled screw compressors DSD run at the same low speed. This allows a direct coupling of the drive unit and the compressor unit which results in low transmission losses. The motor, airend and the aftercooler draw in their cooling air in parallel. This arrangement eases the access, lowers energy consumption and noise level:

The multiple-stage fluid separator system reduces the fluid carry-over into the compressed air to 3 mg/m³. Compressed air is discharged at temperatures only 6 K above the temperature of the cooling air at the inlet. Available are the DSD 141 with 7,5 bar gauge pressure, a motor output power of 73.2 kW and an FAD of 13.7 m³/min; the DSD 241 with 14 bar, 7.5 bar max. gauge pressure and a 128 kW motor output power and an FAD of 24.5 m³/min.
Fax: ++49/9561/640-130
Further information cpp-258
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