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A Demo Van with Gas Analyzers

Gas Analysis
A Demo Van with Gas Analyzers

A Demo Van with Gas Analyzers
This analyzer measures parts-per-trillion O2 levels Source: Servomex

The Servomex Demo Van is located in the outdoor area, offering visitors the chance to see a range of analyzers from the Servotough, Servopro and Servoflex ranges. For example, the Servotough Laser 3 Plus, with its compact design and smaller footprint, will be live. The Laser 3 Plus range offers the reliability of measurements and enhanced performance for process and combustion analysis. The range delivers fast, accurate gas analysis for process oxygen, ammonia and combustion gases in a compact, easy-to-use platform. Line-lock cuvette technology ensures continuous, reliable measurement of the required gas.

Also on the Demo Van will be the Servotough SpectraExact 2500F, a rugged and reliable solution now capable of measuring water in ethylene dichloride (EDC). It delivers flexible, real-time, online process analysis capability in corrosive, toxic, and flammable liquid streams, with robustness and reliability for a wide range of industrial applications in hazardous locations.

The Demo Van will also contain onboard other key gas analyzers to meet green innovation, process, digital and hydrogen application challenges. This includes the new Gen-7 Servopro NanoTrace DF-500 (photo), a series of ultra-trace oxygen gas analyzers, measuring to the lowest parts-per-trillion (ppt) O2 levels available.

“We’re excited about returning to the ACHEMA exhibition this year and meeting with visitors from around the world in one place,” says Fulvio Sullini, Sales Manager EMEAI. “The Demo Van is ideal for showcasing our analyzers and technology, and our expert team will be on hand to answer any queries about how we can help with meeting their industry challenges.” ond


Outdoor Area F2.0, Stand A10


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