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Facilitate Change with this Software

Modular Process Automation
Facilitate Change with this Software

Facilitate Change with this Software
See the latest version of the software platform zenon 14 Source: Copa-Data
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Copa-Data is showcasing its innovative zenon software platform at ACHEMA 2024. As the Digital Innovation Partner, the company is introducing groundbreaking advancements aimed at revolutionizing sustainable production and data integrity in regulated industries.

The company’s exhibition focus is on flexibility, modularity and compliance in manufacturing processes. At the stand, visitors can see live demos showcasing the interoperability and efficiency of the zenon software platform. Highlights include web visualization with HTML5, data integrity at its best and success stories of system integration. Alongside numerous partners, the software manufacturer is also presenting application examples of modular production. Interested parties can gain comprehensive insights into the interdisciplinary competencies of industrial process automation.

At ACHEMA, the company demonstrates how the latest version of its software platform, zenon 14, can act as a driver and facilitator of change. Production companies will be empowered to achieve their sustainability goals while maintaining compliance and increasing efficiency.

At the stand, Copa-Data will shed light on the paradigm shift in production enabled by Module Type Package (MTP) standards, facilitating end-to-end modularization and interoperability in manufacturing processes. It will also demonstrate how the zenon software platform bridges the gap between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT), offering high scalability, automated engineering, and seamless connectivity. Visitors can explore Copa-Data‘s solutions for achieving Net Zero goals, including energy data management, carbon footprint assessment and optimization of energy consumption.

As a member of the Profibus User Organization e.V., Copa-Data is also presenting the zenon MTP Suite at the PI joint stand in hall 11.0, booth C4. Furthermore, the software manufacturer is a co-exhibitor at the special exhibition „Modular and Open Production“ at the joint booth of ZVEI Service GmbH in Hall 11.0, Stand C43. ond


Hall 11.1, Stand E64

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