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More Sustainable, Data-Driven Solutions

Ethernet APL and More
More Sustainable, Data-Driven Solutions

More Sustainable, Data-Driven Solutions
With Ethernet APL, devices communicate with each other at high speeds Source: Endress+Hausert
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Plant and supply security, maintaining competitiveness when switching to new energy sources, digitalization pressure and faster product development times — the list of challenges is long. „This makes it all the more important for the process industry to bring innovation and practice together and show how measurement technology can help to comply with the strictest safety standards while increasing efficiency and profitability,“ says Andreas Leppert, industry manager Chemical & Oil at Endress+Hauser Germany. The focus here is on supporting the optimization of CO2 emissions, as well as progressive digitalization.

SIL-certified Measuring

Malfunctions in process plants can have serious consequences for the environment, people and machinery. The more complex the plant, the greater the risk of safety-relevant malfunctions. In the chemical, oil and life sciences sectors in particular, the process environment also harbors considerable risks. For example, the measurement technology used must not only withstand extreme corrosion or temperature, it must also guarantee safety in potentially explosive areas. At ACHEMA, Endress+Hauser will be presenting SIL-certified measuring devices and intelligent testing concepts that systematically reduce safety risks. This also includes the company‘s Heartbeat Technology diagnostic and testing concept.

Key Technology Ethernet APL

However, digitalization not only contributes to greater sustainability, but also promotes increased efficiency. This requires intelligent, seamlessly networked measurement technology: „The networking of field devices offers great potential for improving system performance. However, 97% of field data has so far remained unused,“ says Leppert. Thanks to Ethernet Advanced Physical Layer (APL), it is now possible for devices in the process industry to communicate with each other at high speed and over distances of up to 1,000 m. „We want to show on site that Ethernet APL is a key technology that closes the gap in the automation pyramid towards the field level and thus opens doors for more efficient processes,“ continues Leppert.   ond


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