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New Containment Shroud

Mag-Drive Pumps Made Safer
New Containment Shroud

New Containment Shroud
A new 3D-printed containment shell makes these mag-drive pumps safer Source: KSB
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This company has introduced theMagnoProtect 3D-printed containment shroud for its Magnochem series of mag-drive pumps, which offers the same safety as a double-walled containment shroud – without the latter’s disadvantages of heating up intensely and having high eddy-current losses.

While providing comparable safety, the overall efficiencies of the new mag-drive designs typically exceed those of canned-motor pumps. Designed with a structure of channels, the new containment shroud offers a second, redundant, static safety barrier preventing leakage of the fluid handled.

A pressure transmitter monitors the vacuum generated, which is present during normal operation in the channels of the containment shroud. If the monitored pressure rises to atmospheric pressure, the outer containment shell is leaking. If the pressure rises above the ambient pressure, the inner containment shell is damaged. The containment shroud design is characterized by high mechanical strength and good wear properties.

Converting a standardized chemical pump with mechanical seal to a magnetic drive is easier and more cost-efficient than retrofitting it with a canned motor. The geometry and dimensions of the new containment shroud enable operators to upgrade older pump sets that are still in service without difficulty. mpb


Hall 8.0, Stand H14

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