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Repeatable and Reliable Robotics

Fuel Cell and Battery Manufacturing
Repeatable and Reliable Robotics

Repeatable and Reliable Robotics
Robotic arms can prove very helpful in manufacturing applications that require precision and repeatability, as in the manufacture of batteries and fuel cells Source: Stäubli
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Industrial robots provide many advantages in manufacturing environments that require extreme precision, hygiene and repeatability, such as in the production of membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) for fuel cells. Stäubli International AG has provided robots for what is said to be the world’s first fully automated production line for fuel cells, operated by Palcan Group in Cixi, China. MEAs present special challenges in mass production, since they are fabricated by stacking hundreds of very thin layers of expensive and fragile materials, but robots have helped to streamline the process. Robotic arms (photo) not only position coated carbon sheets to begin the stacking process, but also handle films that must be soaked in a strong acidic solution, which would pose hazards to workers. Stäubli’s robots not only can handle the extremely acidic environment, but also high humidity, without any corrosion. The company has also supplied robots for the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries, pharmaceuticals and many other products. “Emerging applications and performance improvements in robotics technology will enhance the capabilities of robots in manufacturing and energy operations, leading to greater productivity, cost savings and safety improvements in industry. As technology continues to evolve, businesses in the chemicals and energy sectors will likely find new and innovative uses for robotic systems,” says Sebastien Schmitt, robotics director for North America at Stäubli. Such advancements on the horizon include integration with more advanced algorithms, enhanced sensory capabilities to give robots a better understanding of their environment and increased mobility in hard-to-reach areas. mpb

Stäubli TEC-Systems Robotics

Hall 3.1, Stand J72

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