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Sensors for ATEX Zones

Airflow Measurement
Sensors for ATEX Zones

Sensors for ATEX Zones
SS 23.700 Ex is designed for applications in explosive atmospheres Source: Schmidt Technology
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Schmidt Technology is presenting the Flow Sensors SS 20.700 and SS 23.700 Ex — two robust flow sensors for highly demanding heavy-duty applications in air and other gases. Because the sensor elements are completely encapsulated in stainless steel, these sensors are resistant to aggressive media and are suitable for demanding applications, they are also now suitable for applications in ATEX zones 2 and 22. A special hydrogen version (SS 23.700 Ex H2) is also now in the development pipeline. The thermal Flow Sensor SS 20.700 is suitable for very demanding industrial applications. It can be used for compressed-air monitoring, gas monitoring on process burners, consumption recording of gases and more. The double-pin sensor head has been designed for demanding applications, such as biogas generation. These sensors also record flow speeds of 0.1 to 220 m/s of media at temperatures from –20 to 120°C. These sensors can be used in pipes with sizes of DN 40 upwards, and have lengths up to 600 mm. ond

Schmidt Technology

Hall 11.0, Stand C36

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