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Tripod Agitators for Production and Pilots

Tripod Agitators for Production and Pilots

Tripod Agitators for Production and Pilots
The Tripod agitator is equipped with the most up-to-date process control Source: Geppert

Geppert Rührtechnik offers complete tripod agitators, equipped with the most up-to-date process control. These machines offer flexibility of application, meet the maximum needs of reliability and provide ease of cleaning and maintenance. Increasingly, entire stages of production and packaging are executed in small- to medium-sized containers that are either mixed in or that are filled or emptied. Due to the tripod agitators’ stand-alone statics, they do not need to be installed onto the container. Applications for various container sizes, shapes or volumes are no problem. All requirements for data collection and processing, as well as plant automation are met. Even online viscosity measurements are possible. For requirements that arise from the products themselves or the environment of the production area, such as hazardous areas in and around the containers, cleanroom conditions and TA Luft, Geppert Rührtechnik offers tailor-made solutions with their tripod agitators. Special designs, such as tripod agitators for fixed container mixers or fully automated plants, which are used in the areas of clean room technology or nuclear waste processing, complete the range of products.

Geppert Rührtechnik has been producing explosion-proof mixer drives since 2003, which made them one of the first enterprises in Germany to develop and produce ATEX-compliant mixers. The tripod agitators can also be delivered as explosion-proof models according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EU for use in hazardous zones 1 and 2 as well as containers with hazardous zones 0 to 1. scj

Geppert Rührtechnik

Hall 6.0, Stand C34


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