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20 years of chemical plants + processing

Up-to-date, competent, benefit-focused
20 years of chemical plants + processing

In June 1967 an important milestone was reached in the history of Konradin Verlag’s controlled-circulation magazines. With Ludwig Haberl as editor-in-chief the journal called cav – chemie-anlagen + verfahren – appeared for the first time with an initial print run of 10,000 copies. At the time, cav was a Kohlhammer-Heywood publication which was produced in collaboration with the London-based „British Chemical Engineering“. Shortly afterwards, in April 1968, the publishing house Konradin Verlag, Robert Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart, acquired the publishing rights to the journal which until then had been published by Kohlhammer, Heywood & Co., Fachzeitschriftenverlag GmbH. This publishing house, founded in 1929 in Berlin by Robert Kohlhammer almost 40 years earlier, already had 13 technical journals and magazines in its programme.

Today Konradin Verlag publishes over 20 journals for a range of different industries and is a leading player among specialist publishing companies. With an overall circulation of 28,000 copies, cav is currently the leading controlled-circulation journal in the field of plant and process equipment construction and chemical engineering in the German-speaking world.
The lion’s share of the cav print run is destined for firms in the chemical, pharmaceutical and associated plant and process equipment construction industries.
The first European edition of what we now call chemical plants + processing, a special English edition of cav for the countries of Europe, appeared in June 1979. Today – 20 years later – chemical plants + processing (cpp) now appears four times a year to meet the demand generated by the increasing internationalisation and globalisation of business. cpp supports export-oriented companies and with its reader service makes the markets of Europe, Asia and South America accessible to these market players.
All the parts of the editorial section and all the adverts are keyed, enabling cpp readers to obtain detailed information about products, processes and services quickly. This also means that the suppliers of the products and services presented are able to profit from very real sales opportunities with a qualified target group which is constantly being surveyed and modified by the publishers.
The journal chemical plants + processing aims to provide you with concise, incisive, clearly laid-out, easy-to-find and straightforward information. We believe our task is to ensure that the layout of the journal allows its readers to extract and assimilate as much information as possible in as short a time as possible. One of our most important tasks will be to ensure that the continued development of the magazine is firmly focused on benefiting its readers.
On this note, we wish you a happy and healthy new millennium in which you can look forward with us to the innovations the next century is sure to bring.
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