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Explosion protection with remote I/O

Ex-Schutz und Anlagensicherheit (Chemie)
Explosion protection with remote I/O

Explosion protection with remote I/O
The remote process interface (RPI) connects the conventional sensors and actuators with the process control system via a single field bus line. Thus the I/O level is replaced by the RPI and the requirement for wiring to the control system is reduced to almost zero. The savings can be considerable, particularly if the interface level can be installed within the hazardous area, in Zone 2. There is then just one solitary bus line for the long path to the control room. Short cables connect the sensors and actuators that are installed in Zone 2, 1 and 0. The RPI is eminently suitable for this type of instrumentation. The system can be flexibly installed within Zone 2 and operates with the accepted Modbus or Profibus coupler. An important factor is that no power supply units are required. RPI is adaptable to any number of inputs. The field circuits are suitable for Ex Zones 2, 1 or 0 and certificated as such. Certification in accordance with the ATEX guideline is applied to installation within Zone 2.

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Further information cpp-219
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