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For finest bulk material

For finest bulk material

For finest bulk material
Tumbler screening machines screen all dry, pourable bulk materials, especially extremely fine types. As grinding is avoided even sensitive products will not build up an additional dust fraction. Tumbling screens use the entire screen surface. As a result, the performance per square meter/screen area is about four times higher than that of vibratory screens. The performance can be increased, especially for fine meshes, by employing cleaning systems such as mechanical or ultrasonic devices. Ultrasonic oscillations help destroying agglomerates and may replace mechanical supports like balls or rotating brushes. Product contamination through rub-off can thus be avoided. The ultrasonic system is also available in pharmaceutical or a CIP-cleanable execution; it may get integrated into existing machines. Frequent product changes are made easy by the fact that the screen inserts can be exchanged quickly and the movement of the screen is easy to adjust. The path of motions is recorded on a control card so the quality of the screened material is kept at a constant level. Due to the modular design every machine size can be equipped as a multi-decker.

Fax: ++49/7161/301 440
Further information cpp 215
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