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Hand pallet stackers for loads of up to 1.6 t

Hand pallet stackers for loads of up to 1.6 t

Hand pallet stackers for loads of up to 1.6 t
The hand pallet stacker serie EGV is for small and medium-load pallet stacking with capacities of 1.0 and 1.2 t and for high-reach pallet stacking with capacities of 1.4 and 1.6 t. They have unusually high residual loading capacity and can move more pallets per load. Every spot susceptible to knocks and bumps is reinforced with 8 and 10 mm sheet steel. One particularly special feature of the EGVs is the very narrow aisle width they can be driven through. This economises on space in the warehouse and guarantees exceptionally good manoeuvrability. Always standard are a narrow, torsion-free clear-view mast with attenuation on lowering, high stationary stability with a maximum possible wheel base, rocker tandem rollers and particularly rugged round-tipped forks to facilitate smooth inser-tion into the pallet.

Fax: ++49/40/73391249
Further information cpp-213
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