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IChemE 1998 book catalogue

IChemE 1998 book catalogue

The Institution of Chemical Engineers’ (IChemE) 1998 book catalogue is now available and free upon request. The 44 page, all colour catalogue offers information on more than 150 titles of use to engineers and scientists working in the process industries. The Institution publishes texts and guides to enhance the professional skills and performance of engineers and scientists. Major inclu-sions for 1998 are the second edition ‘Process plant commissioning’, which has been fully updated and revised. ‘Process industry economics – an international perspective’ offers a base for understanding what lies behind economic evaluation and decision-making. Subjects covered within the catalogue include the environment, safety and loss prevention, contract and project management, process design and operation, biotechnology, oil, gas and energy, dust handling, and the IChemE Symposium Series. The IChemE is agent in the United Kingdom and Europe for books published by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AlChE). The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Guidelines series saw five new titles in 1997, including Guidelines for design solutions to process equipment failures, Guidelines for safe warehousing or chemicals and Guidelines for post-release mitigation in the chemical process industry. Several more are planned for 1998.

Fax: ++44/1788/56 08 33
Further information cpp 264
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