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Industrial catalysis

Industrial catalysis

An indispensable book for developers of catalysts and practitioners working in the field of design, operation, and optimization of chemical reactors in which heterogeneous catalysis is performed. It covers all aspects of chemistry and chemical engineering. Starting with the introduction of selectivity, activity and effectivity, it provides the fundamentals to everyone entering this fascinating field. Catalyst preparation and catalyst testing are also described. It introduces a method that can be used to calculate the effectiveness of catalyst pellets as a function of shape, size, pore size, type of kinetics, and diffusion as well as temperature and pressure conditions. Optimization of catalysts and troubleshooting are also covered.

Industrial catalysis, optimizing catalysts and processes, R. I. Wijngaarden, A. Kronberg, K. R. Westerterp, 1998, 268 pages with 85 figures and 26 tables, hardcover. 248 DM.
Wiley-VCH Verlag
Fax: ++49/6201/606328
Further information cpp-264
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