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Mass flow determination

Mass flow determination

The measuring system LB 442 in an on-line gauge for the determination of mass flow of bulk material. It allows the non-contacting measurement of mass flows in the range of 0 to 200 kg/h up to 0 to 10 000 t/h. The measuring system can be mounted on existing continuos conveyor systems of every kind (conveyor belts, screw conveyors, troughed chain conveyours, bucket conveyors, etc.). The installation is easily done without further modifications and can be located directly behind bunkers, chute outlets or transfer systems. The measuring system can also be used to determine the mass flow in “free fall”. In this case the system is installed at transfers, vertical pipes or chutes, where the product is in free fall. The system operates without any moving parts and due to its non-contacting method it is resistant to wear and tear or abrasions.

Fax: 0049/7081/177100
Further information cpp-212
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