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SafetyBUS p realises group formation within the safe bus system

SafetyBUS p realises group formation within the safe bus system

SafetyBUS p realises group formation within the safe bus system
In the expansion of networking with standard busses for the operational part of a controller, using the safe bus system SafetyBUS p now machines and plants from various manufacturers can also be web-linked safely. Safety-oriented information e.g. from Emergency-Stop switches are entered via distributed I/O modules, processed by the SafetyBUS p controller and outputted again via the safety-oriented bus and the distributed I/O modules.

Beyond that SafetyBUS p offers the possibility of group formation within the safety-oriented network. By that all safety-oriented data of a complete plant can be controlled via only one safety bus. Within this plant certain sections of this installation can be assigned to various groups. In the event of a fault only the section of the plant is switched off in which the fault was detected. The other sections of the plant continue their operation. This step in direction of increased availability keeps downtime low and limits its effect on the affected sections.
Fax: ++49/711/3 40 91 33
Further information cpp-215
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