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All-In-One Solutions for the Pharmaceutical Sector

Innovative Machines and Complete Processing Lines
All-In-One Solutions for the Pharmaceutical Sector

All-In-One Solutions for the Pharmaceutical Sector
Aquaria is an all-in-one solution to wash components and machine parts Source: IMA

The Pharmaceutical Divisions of IMA Group and its specialists introduce IMA Pharma, the All-In-One supplier specialized in the design and manufacture of innovative machines and complete lines for the processing and packaging of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products, medical devices assembling, as well as projects concerning digitalisation, sustainability, and customer service solutions.


IMA Active, partner for solid dose processing shows Aquaria, an all-in-one solution to wash components and machine parts of different sizes and volumes in completely automatic mode. Also on show is the Continuous Direct Compression Line (CDC Line), a lean, efficient and flexible tablet-manufacturing technology that, in combination with PAT, allows easy adoption of a QbD approach, ensuring excellent operation performance and avoiding waste during startup and shutdown.

The Croma continuous coater is designed to cover a range of throughputs and a range of coating weight gains thanks to its innate modularity. A single Croma module works in ranges between 20 and 100 kg/h and with an average weight gain of 2 to 4 %, depending on tablets and film types. The Adapta 50 capsule filler features technical solutions to manage complex solid dosage forms such as product combination in hard gelatine capsules or powder micro-dosing for Dry Powder Inhalers, and the Accela CTC 500 continuous coater by Thomas Processing is designed to manage high production throughputs in a range of 100 to 1,000 kg/h of large batch sizes of tablets to process in continuous mode, being the only coater on the market manufactured with an integrated cooling chamber that eliminates the need for additional cooling systems, and reducing the footprint of the equipment.

On show also the IMA Active Competence Center, a specialised and centralised hub for knowledge and resources, providing support, training, and guidance in the oral solid dose field. IMA Life offers a comprehensive product portfolio to process liquids and powders in aseptic and non-aseptic environments. Solutions include washers, depyrogenating tunnels, liquid and powder filling and closing machines for vials, ampoules and Ready-To-Use (RTU), freeze dryers and relevant automatic loaders/unloaders, isolation technologies, labellers for vials and cartons and ancillary equipment.

IMA will showcase a diverse array of digital tools and virtual applications, beginning with machines equipped with IMA Sentinel connectivity. This will include a comprehensive suite of Artificial Intelligence solutions such as Sandbox and Algomarket, enhanced by advanced analytics. dh


Hall 3.0, Booth F49

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