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Guidebook to gas hazards and detection

Guidebook to gas hazards and detection

Guidebook to gas hazards and detection
The fundamental principles of combustible and toxic gases, plus the different methods currently applied across industry for their detection, are detailed in „A Practical Guide to Gas Detection“ from Detector Electronics. The book has 55 pages packed with technical and application information. The technology behind catalytic bead and infrared point and open path detectors for the monitoring of combustible gases is fully covered, along with electrochemical and semiconductor sensors for toxic gases. Assistance in the siting and maintenance of detectors is provided by chapters giving tips, recommended practices and references to the prominent standards and guidelines for gas detection. Priced at £12.95, the book is rounded out with a glossary of key terms, references and a gas detection method and siting worksheet.

Detector Electronics
Fax: ++44/1306/88 46 66
Further information cpp-285
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