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In full colour and intrinsically safe

Operator terminal for potentially explosive atmospheres
In full colour and intrinsically safe

In full colour and intrinsically safe
The large-screen Termex 750 visual display terminal with backlight 10.40 LCD colour display and 256 colours has been specially developed to meet the needs of modern operator guidance systems for machine and process controls. The terminal is designed with intrinsically safe technology (EEx ib IIC T4) and is suitable for use in Zones 1 and 2 or 11 (21).

Optical fibre technology has been used for the very first time to transmit data into the safe area. There has been a further lasting improvement in noise immunity as a result. The intrinsically safe Termex 750 is supplied via an Ex m power supply unit, which can now be installed directly in the potentially explosive atmosphere and fed with 24VDC.

In addition to numerous functions already familiar from the existing terminals in the Termex series, such as the option of text or graphics, the use of a windowing technique for entering and outputting data, various font sizes, an extensive alarm management concept, an integrated setup routine with pass-word protection, a user-friendly interface to a host computer in terminal mode, PLC logs, etc., the unit also boasts many new features.
A total of 26 function keys are now avail-able, for instance, arranged around the display and freely programmable. All the function keys have coloured LEDs, which can be activated directly in the application. Thanks to the modern, 32-bit CPU and an internal memory several megabytes in size, it is now also possible to handle very large, complex projects. Many different variables can be represented clearly and simultaneously on the 256-colour VGA display. Dynamic bar charts, variable limit values that change colour dynamically and primitive attributes such as blinking or inverse further enhance the presentation quality. An industry-standard, touch-sensitive mouse of the kind also used for PCs has been introduced, to enable these variables to be accessed as quickly as possible.
Extended interfaces
The link to a higher-level host computer has been extended as well. In addition to the RS232 and TTY interfaces, which have been employed in safe areas in the past, the Termex 750 now also has a bus-capable RS485 interface. Each Termex 750 more-over has a second RS232 interface in the safe area, which acts as a service interface and operates independently of the host interface. It can be used to load new projects, for example, to update firmware revision levels in the internal flash memory of the Termex 750 or to connect a logging printer. Up to four serial peripherals, such as Ex balances or Ex barcode readers, can be connected simultaneously as options. Sixteen digital inputs and outputs – optionally also opto-decoupled and equipped with a power-switching stage – are provided for connecting external switches and pushbuttons or valves and alarm annunciators.
Configurable and programmable
Great importance was placed on integrating the Termex Pro configuration software seamlessly. This design tool was already available previously for configuring all the operator terminals. Termex Pro has now been enhanced with the special graphical and functional features of the Termex 750. The configuration software runs on the Windows ‘95, ‘98 and NT4.0 platforms. Its extremely straightforward structure makes configuring work both quick and creative. Users who want to relieve the load on their host computer, or who do not have a host computer at all, can also extend the functionality of the Termex 750 using the ‘C’ programming language and programs they have written themselves. EPCA, the programming environment available as an optional extra for Termex Pro, allows even large func-tion packages such as metering controls to be stored and executed on the terminal.
ExTec Oesterle
Fax: ++49/0711/31 54 55 29
Further information cpp-200
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